Program Name: Amigo-2000 (Windows 95, NT) Amigo-2000 is the calendar/reminder program. Amigo-2000 allows you to easily enter any number of recurring and non-recurring events and computer tasks. It is designed for business and home computer users. Status: Shareware, copyrighted but freely distributable and useable Contact: Installation instructions: - In order to install the application you need Windows 95 or Windows NT 500 KBytes of free disk space. - Run PKUNZIP to unzip the file: example: C:> pkunzip (PROG_NAME stands for the package name) - To install application run Install.EXE program, which is included in the distribution kit. Start Windows and select File/Run menu function in Windows Program Manager, and type: C:\TEMP_DIR\install.exe (TEMP_DIR stands for the directory name where the package was copied) - Follow the instructions of the installation program.